Great barrier reef marine park act 1975 pdf download

The following is the supplementary data to this article. Marine spatial planing and the great barrier reef marine park act 1975. The great barrier reef marine park act 1975 cth was established in response to public concern in the 1970s over proposals to drill for oil within the great barrier reef gbr the act establishes a framework for the protection and management of the gbr as a marine park in which mining and petroleum exploration and extraction are banned but other activities such as fishing are permitted in. This is a compilation of the great barrier reef marine park act 1975 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 29 october 2018. The great barrier reef world heritage area incorporating the marine park is famous for its 2,900 coral reefs. This is a compilation of the great barrier reef marine park act 1975 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 29 october 2018 the compilation date. The management philosophy of the marine park authority is based on the following four principles. Since the great barrier reef marine park act was passed in 1975, the gbr. Marine spatial planing and the great barrier reef marine park. Today the great barrier reef marine park gbrmp is a large multipleuse marine park covering 344,400 km 2 supplementary information text 1 provides details about the gbr context and the. Following the consideration of all submissions received and preparation of the revised plan in light of those submissions, the great barrier reef marine park zoning plan 2003 was made by. Marine parks permit application great barrier reef marine park.

It is a vast multipleuse marine park which supports a wide range of uses, including commercial marine tourism, fishing, ports and shipping, recreation, scientific research and indigenous traditional use. Pdf the great barrier reef marine park the grandfather. Marine spatial planing and the great barrier reef marine park act. Amends the great barrier reef marine park act 1975 to provide a framework for the administration and management of the great barrier reef park which integrates with the environment protection and biodiversity conservation act 1999 and other legislation by. Management is based on multiple use, with zoning as a fundamental component of marine spatial planning. Australian government established the great barrier reef marine park under the great barrier reef marine park act, 1975.

Great barrier reef marine park heritage strategy 2005 2 the biodiversity and the interconnectedness of species and habitats makes the great barrier reef and the surrounding areas one of the richest and most complex natural systems on earth. In having regard to the objects set out in subsection 321 of the great barrier reef marine park act 1975, this zoning plan takes account of the world heritage values of the marine park and the principles. The great barrier reef marine park authority the authority recognises and understands the importance of heritage. An important part of this has been and continues to be a collaboration with the queensland government in managing and protecting the marine park. The great barrier reef marine park protects a large part of australias great barrier reef from damaging activities. It immediately set about implementing one of its electoral promises to establish the great barrier reef as a national park.

Review of the great barrier reef marine park act 1975 full report pdf 6. Legislation, regulations, agreements and policies gbrmpa. Towards protecting the great barrier reef from landbased. It is stretches 2,300 km along the queensland coastline. Princess charlotte bay g b r m p b o u n d a ry great barrier reef federal marine park up to low water mark complementary state marine park in interin intertidal waterstidal waters. The great barrier reef gbr is the largest coral reef ecosystem on earth. Nov 14, 2018 marine park means the great barrier reef marine park established by this act. Australias great barrier reef marine park provides for multiple use and ecologically sustainable development with an overriding conservation objective. The great barrier reef is internationally recognised for its natural and heritage. Great barrier reef marine park marine park by collecting and submitting the emc and visitation records.

Review of the great barrier reef marine park act 1975. In 1975, specific legislation for its protection led to the great barrier reef marine park gbrmp being declared covering an area of 344 400 km 2 about the size of italy or malaysia. The great barrier reef marine park is in 345,000 km and that is larger than the entire area of the uk and ireland combined. The great barrier reef marine park act 1975 provides the framework for managing the gbr as a large ecosystem. Initial zoning plan for the great barrier reef 19751999 a royal commission on drilling for petroleum 1974 and broader concerns about cumulative impacts and the lack of a dedicated regulatory authority for the great barrier reef led to the passing of the great barrier reef act in 1975 gbrmpa 2009. The australian government then used its prerogative power over territorial waters to establish protection of the reef as a national concern under the great barrier reef marine park act 1975 commonwealth herein, gbrmp act 1975. The great barrier reef gbr provides a globally significant demonstration of the effectiveness of largescale networks of marine reserves in contributing to integrated, adaptive management. On 23 august 2005 the minister for the environment and heritage, senator the hon. Apr 11, 2017 the australian government then used its prerogative power over territorial waters to establish protection of the reef as a national concern under the great barrier reef marine park act 1975 commonwealth herein, gbrmp act 1975. The great barrier reef marine park regulations 1975 cth establish a zoning plan for the gbr based on the concept of multipleuse management. In 2009 the great barrier reef marine park act 1975 the act was amended to provide for the long term protection and conservation of the environment, biodiversity and heritage values of the great barrier reef region. Jan 26, 2016 despite 40 years of sustained management, the great barrier reef has lost half of its live coral cover in the last 27 years death et al. Zoninglessons from the great barrier reef marine park citeseerx.

The great barrier reef marine park authority is established under the great barrier reef marine park act 1975 and is the australian government statutory authority responsible for protecting and managing the environment, biodiversity and heritage values of the great barrier reef region. Marine spatial planing and the great barrier reef marine. The great barrier reef marine park authority is responsible for publishing the official zoning maps of the great barrier reef marine park we are also the custodian of spatial data relevant to the great barrier reef marine park act 1975 and maintain an extensive and comprehensive collection of reef and marine park spatial data covering the great barrier reef marine park. Great barrier reef region not to be reserved under the environment protection and biodiversity conservation act 1999 part vaaoffences and penalties in relation to great barrier reef marine park and region division 1conduct in 38aa. The act provides a legal regime for the protection of the natural and heritage values of the reef. About this compilation this compilation this is a compilation of the great barrier reef marine park regulations 1983 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 6 march 2018 the compilation date. Great barrier reef marine park commonwealth heritage listed. The great barrier reef marine park was established to provide for conservation and ecologically sustainable multiple use of 344,400 km2 of a large marine ecosystem. The great barrier reef marine park act 1975 established the great barrier reef marine park some 30 years ago, and has been during this time an exemplar for marine management and conservation. Great barrier reef marine park act 1975 iii compilation no. A survey in 2015 found that two thirds of tourists wanted to see the great barrier reef before it was gone. Marine park act 1975 cwlth hereafter referred to as gbrmpa.

Great barrier reef marine park act 1975 cth environmental law. Management at the ecosystem level to achieve overall protection of the ecosystem. Management of traditional hunting of dugongs springerlink. Evolving polycentric governance of the great barrier reef. The great barrier reef includes over 2,900 reefs, around 940 islands and cays also. How effective is the management of the great barrier reef.

Pdf the great barrier reef marine park the grandfather of. Despite 40 years of sustained management, the great barrier reef has lost half of its live coral cover in the last 27 years death et al. Great barrier reef marine park act 1975 federal register of. Great barrier reef marine park act 1975 legislation. The legislative framework, including a specific act and regulations, address the objectives of ecosystembased.

Biodiversity of the great barrier reefhow adequately is. The great barrier reef gbr is the worlds largest coral reef system, extending over 2000 km along the northeast coast of australia fig. This page is moderated from 9am5pm monday to friday. Overview of the great barrier reef marine park act 1975. Largescale governance of the great barrier reef marine park. About the great barrier reef marine park, australia. Pdf recent estimates put average coral cover across the great barrier reef gbr at about 2030%.

Some of the largest concentrations of dugongs dugong dugon occur in the coastal waters of eastern cape york peninsula, queensland, designation of the great barrier reef marine park has prompted the development of a program for management of dugong hunting by the aboriginal communities of the region. The official facebook page for the great barrier reef marine park. About this compilation this compilation this is a compilation of the great barrier reef marine park act 1975 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 29 october 2018 the. While coral reef, mangrove and seagrass habitats occur elsewhere on the planet, no other. The notes at the end of this compilation the endnotes include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law. Feb 20, 2020 we are the australian government agency that manages the great barrier reef marine park. Biodiversity of the great barrier reefhow adequately is it. Any proposed development of an aquaculture facility within the great barrier reef marine park or that proposes to have an intake or. The great barrier reef marine park act 1975 is the primary act relating to the great barrier reef marine park. Review of the great barrier reef marine park act 1975 iii foreword the great barrier reef is the worlds largest coral reef, covering some 344 400 square kilometres of unparalleled biodiversity and unique.

Oct 26, 2010 the great barrier reef gbr provides a globally significant demonstration of the effectiveness of largescale networks of marine reserves in contributing to integrated, adaptive management. This paper is directly concerned with offences against the great barrier reef. The department will forward the referral to the authority to commence its permit processes as required under the great barrier reef marine park regulations 2019. Evolving polycentric governance of the great barrier reef pnas. Great barrier reef marine park zoning plan 2003 is the primary planning instrument for the conservation and management of the marine park.

You can further contribute by working in partnership with the gbrmpa in the management of the marine park. It consists of a variety of tropical marine habitats including 20 000 km 2 of coral reefs, 43 000 km 2 of seagrass meadows and extensive mangrove forests great barrier reef marine park authority. The longterm protection and conservation of biodiversity values is at the core of the primary legislative objective for the gbr s. Great barrier reef marine park act sets out legal requirements eg. The great barrier reef marine park a bold experiment. This is a compilation of the great barrier reef marine park act 1975 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 24 august 2017 the compilation date. Great barrier reef marine park and other legislation. The emc is a charge associated with some commercial activities, including tourism. The great barrier reef marine park act 1975 gbrmp act was then passed in 1975 to put the policy into practice. Great barrier reef marine park the great barrier reef marine park protects a large part of australias great barrier reef from damaging activities. Criminal responsibility in relation to offences in the great barrier. The act established the gbr region and a new federal agency as the parks authority great barrier reef marine park authority, gbrmpa. Throughout the great barrier reef marine park act 1975. Zoning, a fundamental cornerstone of effective marine.

Submission 23 australian prawn farmers association. Mining or geological storage operations in great barrier reef region. The great barrier reef marine park act was enacted in 1975 and the great barrier reef. We are the australian government agency that manages the great barrier reef marine park. An act to establish a great barrier reef marine park and for related purposes. Referral of an action under the epbc act is deemed to be an application under the great barrier reef marine park act 1975 see section 37ab, great barrier reef marine park act 1975. Marine parks permit application great barrier reef. Aug 31, 2017 the great barrier reef gbr is the largest coral reef ecosystem on earth. The great barrier reef is internationally recognised for its natural and heritage value.

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